Monday, March 22, 2010

View from the boat in Marathon

Here are a few photos taken from the boat in Marathon. We are on a mooring ball pretty close to the marina.

You can click on a photo to enlarge it.

This is what the mooring ball looks like. It is a big plastic float that has a line running to a auger that is stuck in the bottom. It has a pennant with an eye that we put a line thru and attach to our forward cleats.

This is a view to the east. The mooring field goes for about a half mile in that direction. There are 255 mooring balls total and there are boats on everyone of them.

Looking west.

This is looking to the north at the marina. This is where we go in our dinghy to get to shore. They have two large areas to park the dinghy. There are also restrooms, showers and a laundry room available.

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